Phase 2

Okay, here’s the second major step in the art piece. The initial layout has a lot going on: lots of lines and grid marks. I decided to lay in the sky first to give me a sense of atmosphere and help define my negative space. Sometimes the best way to begin a work is by painting the spaces you are not trying to define; “painting what isn’t” as someone once told me. You can’t see in the photo, but the sky has multiple layers of various shades of grey, whites, and iridescent silvers so it has a metallic sheen mixed in.

The building is up next: I am painting this (pastels are called paintings, by the way… even though it’s a dry media it works more like a painting than anything) in curvilinear perspective, which is a method of linear perspective used when you want to convey a large space. I think it will add another dimension to the piece in any case.


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